Welcome to Building Healthy Families!
Building Healthy Families (BHF) is a family-based pediatric weight management program for children 6-12 years old and their families. Our goal is to work with families, especially children, in identifying healthier food choices, modifying unhealthy behaviors and increasing physical activity.
The BHF program requires your family to attend 12 sessions over 3 months with six additional refresher sessions out to one year. Each session is approximately 2 hours. During the weekly session, all family members will participate in practical nutrition education, goal setting and healthy lifestyle strategies and physical activities.
Example goals would be: limiting soda consumption, reduction or elimination of screen time, limiting fast food to once per week, or other health enhancing and weight management approaches. Families who meet their goals are successful!
It is a FUN way to spend your evening, as a family!

If you are a family interested in participating in Building Healthy Families.
Click HereIf you are a community interested in hosting Building Healthy Families Click Here.